Gladiator II Will Keep You Entertained

It was never going to be an easy task following up to the original Gladiator. Against the odds, Gladiator II serves its purpose in delivering a robust sequel that’s insanely entertaining to experience. And for all its faults, it manages to stand its own ground in the arena.

Gladiator II‘s highlight is undoubtedly its incredible cast. Echoing the emotional stakes of the first film, Paul Mescal delivers a charismatic performance that’s essentially the heart of the movie. Supporting cast members such as Pedro Pascal and Connie Nielsen provide a level of humanity that works splendidly against the backdrop of a corrupted Rome. Most notably, Denzel Washington delivers a scene-stealing performance that elevates this serviceable sequel to occasionally excellent heights.

Denzel Washington delivers a scene-stealing performance.

Narratively, Gladiator II not only requires its audience to be familiar with its predecessor, but also a high degree of suspension of disbelief when it comes to its plot contrivances. This was always going to be a challenge considering how well the story was concluded in the original film. However, the various twists and turns of Gladiator II’s story allows for the operatic sequel to revel in its drama, thus allowing many of its cast members to excel and have fun.

Returning as director, Ridley Scott delivers a big-screen spectacle that’s bound to satisfy audiences who are expecting large scale action sequences. Perhaps one of the few directors capable of doing so, this crowd-pleasing cinematic epic takes full advantage of its intriguing premise, especially with its spectacular opening sequence that sets up the story in an incredible manner. Also, the sequences that take place in the colosseum are also effective, for the most part.

Gladiator II
Reprising her role as Lucilla, Connie Nielsen provides a level of humanity that works splendidly against the backdrop of a corrupted Rome.

Conversely, some of the computer-generated effects stick out like a sore thumb against its enthralling cinematography and bombastic set pieces. These include the CGI rhinos, apes, and sharks that jarringly detracts much of the film’s riveting visuals. At some point, some of the fights involving the aforementioned animals come across as a bunch of pixels battling one another. In addition, Gladiator II occasionally suffers when it comes to character development, due to the many important plot threads it needs to juggle at any given point.

Often adhering to the narrative framework of the original, Gladiator II is not in the same league as its predecessor. But then again, very few films are. As it stands, the long-awaited sequel fulfills its promise in being entertaining from start to finish.